Source code for models.modelsHolder

import configparser
import os
import logging
import inspect
from importlib import import_module
from mlapi.shellColors import ShellColors

DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = "config.ini"
DEBUG_T = ShellColors.RED + "[MODELS_HOLDER] " + ShellColors.ENDC

# class StreamResponderClass:
#     # Defining behavior for `with` function
#     def __enter__(self):
#         print("Processing the request")
#         return self.__data
#     def __exit__(self, a,b,c):
#         return
#     def __init__(self, data):
#         self.__data = data
[docs]class ModelsHolderClass: '''Class that loads and holds in memory all models for further predictions. Attributes ---------- __configParser : ConfigParser() Instance of config parser for loading configs that come with models. __config : dict Dictionary that contains entries of configs of every model. {'model_no_1' : {'arg':1, 'arg2':2}} __models : list List of strings with model names to load. __model_instance_holder : dict A dictionary containing instances of per-model specific classes (inheriting from the base ModelController class) Methods ------- sendRequest : invokes the feed() function defined in ModelController class (which can be overriden) and returns it's respond getAvailableModels getModelsConfigs ''' def __init__(self, models_directory): + "INITIALIZING") self.__configParser = configparser.ConfigParser() self.__config = {} self.__models = None self.__model_instances_holder = {} self.__models_directory = models_directory self.__loadAllModels() def __configSectionMap(self, section): '''Returns a dictionary of every config entry for given section i.e. model name. ''' dict1 = {} options = self.__configParser.options(section) for option in options: try: dict1[option] = self.__configParser.get(section, option) if dict1[option] == -1: logging.debug(DEBUG_T + "skip: {}".format(option)) except: logging.warning(DEBUG_T + "__configSectionMap() exception on {}!".format(option)) dict1[option] = None self.__config[section.lower()] = dict1 def __loadAllModels(self): '''Loads all models found in API/models/computed folder. Every model should by in its own directory named with the models shortened name. ''' models_dir_path = os.path.abspath(self.__models_directory) + "Loading models from {}".format(models_dir_path)) models = [x for x in os.listdir(models_dir_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(models_dir_path, x))] for model in models: model_path = os.path.join(models_dir_path, model) if DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME in os.listdir(model_path): config_path = os.path.join(model_path, DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME) logging.debug(config_path) #Loading config.ini try: except: logging.critical(DEBUG_T + 'ERROR WHILE READING MODELS CONFIG - {}'.format(model)) models.remove(model) for s in self.__configParser.sections(): self.__configSectionMap(s) logging.debug(DEBUG_T + "Loaded config:") logging.debug("\t" + str(self.__config)) file_path = os.path.join(model_path, self.__config[model]["modelfile"]) models_modules_path = '.'.join([x for x in self.__models_directory.split('/') if x and x != '.']) logging.debug(models_modules_path) override_file_name = self.__config[model]['modelcontrollerclassoverridefile'] module_path = '.'.join([models_modules_path, model, override_file_name]) module = import_module(module_path) class_name = self.__config[model]['modelcontrollerclassname'] overriding_class = getattr(module, class_name) if inspect.isclass(overriding_class): logging.debug("There is {} class for {} model".format(overriding_class.__name__, model)) + "Loading {} model".format(model)) self.__model_instances_holder[model.lower()] = overriding_class(self.__config[model], model_path) else: logging.warning(DEBUG_T + 'No config.ini file for {} model'.format(model)) models.remove(model) self.__models = models
[docs] def sendRequest(self, model_name, data): '''Invokes the ModelController's feed method that returns models prediction. Parameters ---------- model_name : str Name of the model to use. data : MultiDict or str Data sent by the client to pass to the ModelController. Returns ------- str Printable string ready to view / send to client. Prediction results or error message. ''' logging.debug(self.__model_instances_holder) output = self.__model_instances_holder[model_name].feed(data) # return StreamResponderClass(output) return output
[docs] def getAvailableModels(self): '''Returns loaded and available models. ''' return self.__models
[docs] def getModelsConfigs(self): '''Get all models configs. Returns ------- dict ''' return self.__config